Finding My Place, Again!
Trying to write through the chaos of my life with boys!
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Finding My Place, Again!: How Honorable is it?
How Honorable is it?
Honorable mention for the 24 Hr contest. Ugh. Times like this I want to just stop and probably would if it weren't for the fact that writing is too much a part of my life to stop. I have ideas going through my head at a phenomenal rate, yet, so little writing time...
I wonder, sometimes, if it (writing for a living) will ever be part of my life. I crave it, yet, feel like I am so far below par in my capabilities that it seems a pipe dream.
Beautiful weather today. I chose reading today which I like to view as practicing, haahaa. Of all things, I am rereading The BOOB Girls which is a Nebraska based series that is hilarious, if you ever have the time.
I have decided to ake a break from the short story format for a bit as I am always having to shorten so much out of it that what I end up with is far beneath the quality I prefer to output. Translation: it chops out all the good parts and I just can't seem to shorten it and keep the quality there. I found one I like better which is a writing prompt site that allows you a week and a choice of five prompts and larger word counts. I am really enjoying at and one more aspect is that writers can comment on other writer's works. It's really keen, haahaa.
So....Question of the day? Despite the beautiful weatehr, what are you reading right now? Please comment below and let me know. I'd love to hear it.
Quote of the day: "Happine3ss comes in waves. It'll find you again." - Unknown
Havve an amazing and blessed day!
Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Finding My Place, Again!: Woohoo!
Not only did I do the contest, I did it while on my anniversary trip. I did most of it in my head and had it worked out (not hard, the allowance is only 900 words) and waited til morning while hubby was still snoozing (I wake up early no matter what) and finished it up and sent it in. Not the best, but I didn't procrastinate. I did it!
Thanks to the Reedsy site, I am starting to build confidence again in a craft I thought would get lost in the shuffle.
Live your life full of promise and hope, and you will never be held down with regret.
Feel free to leave a comment and possibly give me a few of your favorite men's and women's names to give me some ideas. I love unusual and unique names and would love to hear them!
I am harvesting for ideas and such because I am getting there. It is a daunting task to say the least, it has been almost ten years in the making. Rewrites, plot flips and twists, new ideas and changes in chronological order, life, feeling a sense of being overwhelmed, etc... can make launching a new beginning seem so out of reach that you feel why bother. I was once told by an amazing person, you could either be in the same position 5 years from now, or, you could be closer to where you want to be by putting in the effort and work to achieve it. I am choosing the latter.
Quote of the day: "Demons run when a good man goes to war
Night will fall and drown the sun
When a good man goes to war"- Steven Moffat
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Writing Prompts
Finding My Place, Again!: It's a Beautiful Day!
It's a Beautiful Day!
It's a beautiful day! The birds are singing, the wind is bowing gently, the temperature is amazing and all the teens and hubby are snoring! Writing time!!!
Okay. Today I thought I would tackle a bit more of the novel I have been working on, but, sadly, I would have to wake someone up to get the files. SO not worth it.
Instead, I was hoping to do some simple poetry or something short and sweet that I can do just to get the mental exercise in. I enjoy just writing on a whim, again. It doesn't get to happen often.
The youngest is out climbing a tree or cutting the bark off of a branch somewhere and blissfully happy. We planted snapdragons this morning before he took off.
So, question of the day: What was your favorite memory outdoors as a kid? Click follow on my blog site and then let me know in the comments below. Would love to have you with me on this journey!
Quote of the day: "The Earth has music for those who listen." - William Shakespeare

God be with you, all!
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Finding My Place, Again!: Chaos Can Be So Chaotic
Chaos Can Be So Chaotic

Monday, May 6, 2019
Writing again and feeling fine!: I'm Ready...
I'm Ready...
So, BAM! I'm ready! Let's do this. I have my main computer up and running, all my files downloaded and ready, printed them out as a backup (lost quite a bit when my computer crashed), downloaded what I could from Seagate Backup which was a lifesaver!
What have you guys been up to? Let me know in the comments. I love seeing your pics and comments and thoughts.
I would like your input on whether I should start elongating one of my short stories or continue on my larger opus? I was gone for quite a while after the computer collapse of 2018, so I am leaning towards a shorter one, but would like to know what you think.
I have a new granddaughter, my little Ruby. Just as pretty as her mother and just as sweet. I can't wait to make stories up for her!
Okay, down to business: Writing. I am making a solemn vow that I will write everyday and practice my craft. I will, at least once weekly, submit an article or story.
Let's get me to Paris in my failing years! More than anything, I want to make stories that people can remember and think on in fondness for years.
Question of the day: Which should I start with and why? The longer tome or the shorter ones?
Quote of the Day: "Do you really want to hurt me? " -Boy George, Culture Club
Wednesday, August 8, 2018
Summer's End
Summer's End
There's something that I have learned over the years that I feel should be shared for those who have not yet had this experience... It is what it is. If it's hot, people will complain of the heat and pray for cool. If it is cool, they will complain of the cold and wish for heat. I have learned to just be content with where you are at and then it seems more bearable. Know that whatever weather we have is just what we need right at this very moment. It's all His plan. It works out. Don't worry, be happy. Lol!
The topic has been one of discussion for years and it periodically comes up with one or two different spins on it, but it is ultimately the same. I do not remember where I read this, but I once heard it said that it was not understood what America's need for restating the obvious was. I happen to agree to a point. After that point, well.....
People use these for ice breakers, for social interaction and for conversation starters. I get that. It's hard enough walking up and talking to a stranger these days. It's a safe, neutral topic that almost anyone can relate to. It also can tell you the nature of the person to whom you are speaking. A negative view can be a real eye opener to the person's approach on life, thus, giving you insight and the ability to determine your exposure to that individual. Sounds deep for a Wednesday, dudnit?
Let's bring it down a rung, then. Two weeks. Two weeks to prep my boys for their learning careers this upcoming term. Not many of you know that I home school. I have taught all five of mine. The last three left are 17 (senior year), 12 (7th grade) and 9 (3rd grade). This year will be very stressful for many reasons: Senior requirements, emotional last year and possibly last year at home. the other two are taking too long, lolol! I am kidding. Anyone who knows me knows that these guys are my life. I will miss them just as much when it's their turn.
Question of the Day: If you have kids, what are their dreams and goals? If not, what are yours?
Quote of the day: "It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." -Albus Dumbledore.
So proud of my guy! God be with you all and have an amazing day!!!
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Short story contest down
Short story contest down
I was all excited this past week filled with anticipation. It was the quarterly short story contest. It is so cool. They tell you on Saturday at noon what your story topic is going to be and then you have 24 hours to write a story based on it. I love it.
The best I have gotten is third place but I'll take that and with pride. I get to use their creative writing prompts and fly with it. I just love it.
I don't see it as pulling away from my regular writing, more of a break to allow my creative juices to flow and then maybe the floodgates will open, haahaa.
I am sure if you are aware of this, but I have five kids running haywire through my house at all times. I swear they wear turbo boosters and bouncy shoes, maybe even some flubber thrown in. Anywho, I only bring this up due to the fact that currently, I have one planning out a wood shop project, one moving rugs from outside to the basement, another making a cake, one wandering aimlessly in search for food and the last spraying down anything that dares move with a sprayer in the backyard (including the one moving the rugs). Chaos is ensuing at all times. Writing is a far fetched dream most days. This is why. Little blessings underfoot everyday. Ev. er.y. day.
So, that leads me to the question of the day: What craziness have you or your kids been up to lately? Comment below and let me know! I'd love to hear from you.
Quote of the Day: I'm so gorgeous, there's a six month waiting list for birds to suddenly appear, every time I am near!"
Monday, July 9, 2018
Doot doot doot dooooo!!!
Doot doot doot dooooo!!!
Here it was, a crisp fresh day and I, the only one awake. What to do with myself? Pull out the computer and write while I can still hear myself think, haahaa.
Four pages, guys. Four pages!! I can't even fathom that after a month of almost no writing time. I was so excited. Little by little they began to trickle out of rooms and that whole breakfast thing was expected of me. But, still, four!!!
I not only retyped some of the core ides I already had, I made up another two when I found an inconsistency I hadn't noticed before.
Still looking for old fashioned names for three of the characters, guys. It was four but my beautiful niece just gave birth to a little girl and named her Faye and I think that is a perfectly lovely name.
So, I am trying to think through of how to get her husband to be in a position to have the need to chase her. I think its coming along. I have finished 258 pages in total. Rewrites have me at 20 pages so far. and, yes, I have a long way to go but man am I starting to remember how much fun writing can be again. and that's what I have been missing.
Question of the day: What names would you suggest for the other three women in the story? Looking for old fashioned names, preferably.
Quote of the day: Sergeant Calhoun. “Doomsday and Armageddon just had a baby and it … is … ugly!” ...
Have a blessed day and enjoy!
Thursday, July 5, 2018
How was your 4th?
How was your 4th?
I, as predicted, got absolutely no writing done but had an awesome time. The kids set off their fireworks, we studied what the fourth is and why we celebrate. Really good cookout that my husband grilled for (it was awesome, honey). And kids going mad with the sparkler and firecracker crazies, haahaa.
Well, I am hoping you will share your fourth stories with us as it is always good to hear from you all.
Today's quote: Freedom is one of the deepest and noblest aspirations of the human spirit. -Ronald Reagan
Question of the day: What is your favorite holiday and why?
True picture of my kids after being given a chore, lololol!!!
As always, have a blessed day and be strong!
Monday, May 21, 2018
Writing again and feeling fine!: Such a beautiful cold snap!
Such a beautiful cold snap!
Writing was slow last week but I have hopes for this one. Soccer games and free time.
This time I would like to report I have settled on a name for one of my characters but have still not come up with anything for the other. I know a lot of you are reading, but it would be twice as cool if you would comment, as well.
Question of the day: What is your muse and what does it help with?
Quote of the day : "A thorn defends the rose, harming only those who would steal the blossom. " -Chinese Proverb
Have a blessed day and enjoy!
Monday, May 14, 2018
Would love to hear form you!
Come for a spell.
I am now on chapter two! I can't believe it!!! I am writing on an almost daily basis (life happens) and getting somewhere!
It's exciting getting reacquainted with my characters again, watching them grow and develop. I'm still looking for antique but feminine names for the three main characters if anyone is interested in speaking up and giving some ideas....ahem...hint hint. LOL!
Question of the day: What did you or someone special in your life do for Mother's Day?
Quote of the Day: "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted." - Albert Einstein
Have a great day guys! And comment for Heaven's sake! Never know what kind of discussion we can have, haahaa!
Thursday, May 3, 2018
A Mom Tries to Write..And When Does This Happen?!: Spring is here, Time for Typing in the Park
Spring is here, Time for Typing in the Park
First chapter! I finished my first chapter. Wow. It feels so good to be writing again. Being able to do rewrites and editing and rediscover the characters and story again feels wonderful and refreshing.
I have only one bit of bad news. My Gorilla book is no longer available. The publishing company went under and is now offering my book for a whopping $400 per copy. I believe they are trying to ensure that I do not sell any or require publishing so that they can technically fulfill the contract. I am sad and angry and am filing a formal complaint. But, it will work out as it needs to and I have to trust that God has it covered.
So, if you have been nice enough to read this far, I need two old fashioned women's names that are slightly sci-fi-ish. SO far they are Vesta and Hertia. I want something different and out of the ordinary. Pizazz yet down to earth.
Question of the Day: What are you excited for now that soring has finally reared it's head? Comment below and let us know!
Quote of the Day: "Buttons aren't toys!" - Zaphod Beeblebrox
Hope you have an amazing day and enjoy this beautiful weather!
Friday, December 1, 2017
A Writer Writes....If They Want to Keep Their Sanity!!: Gotta Find Me
Gotta Find Me
Be honest, you can tell me. Mine is housework, writing and taking care of me. Why is that so scary for moms? Why do I feel guilty for soaking in a tub for the fifteen minutes I can stand before feeling like I am ignoring my duties?
They are up from 6:30 in the morning until 10:30 at night. How am I guilty?! I homeschool and end every minute is spent taking care of them and their educational needs (not to mention the hours of following them around as various objects drop to the ground).
Is it procrastinating at that point or is it sheer exhaustion?
I know yours drive you crazy at times, at times, as well. Let me know! Comment below with your crazy kid moments and how insane it can get sometimes. I'm here for you!
Have an amazing and blessed day!!
This is my 12 year-olds current obsession: duct tape messenger bag. He has three rolls and is not afraid to use it (and abuse it)!
Quote of the day: Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, and it holds the world together. -Oprah Winfrey
Question of the day: How do you get metal bunk beds to stop squeaking!?!?!?! lololol
Monday, November 6, 2017
A Writer Writes....If They Want to Keep Their Sanity!!: Being Thankful Can Be Easy If You Try
Being Thankful Can Be Easy If You Try
I'm sorry.
No, really. I am.
I got side tracked and forgot what I wanted, what I needed and what I desire to be. I should never have lost my way. Writing is all I've ever wanted to do. My first award was at age 8 for a story entitled, 'The Case of the Stolen Necklace'. I might have been heavily into Nancy Drew at the time.
How are you all? I've missed you. I miss getting cool answers and suggestions from you guys.
With the holidays fast approaching, I cannot guarantee a lapse of days will not occur. But, I will do my best to try my best to stay on pointe and be here more.
Okay. I shall be gathering my files, taking notes and getting started.
As far as trying to stay active with writing, I entered the 24 Hour Short Story Contest and did okay. But that's been it, I must confess.
Question of the Day- What do you do to stay on task and keep your eye on the desired results?
And, last but not least, the following link is something I spotted on Facebook and positively fell in love with.
This gentleman created a device that, after one minute, reminds you that your child is still in their car seat by causing your horn and lights to flash and blare as though the car alarm is going off. I thought this was such a simple, yet, wonderful device that could save so many lives. Please, click on it, check it out and spread the word!
Willy Wonka: We are the music makers and we are the dreams of the dreams.
Trivia question: Where does Himalayan Pink Salt come from?
Monday, April 3, 2017
A Writer Writes....If They Want to Keep Their Sanity!!: Ok.. Proud mama moment. My son got to play soccer...
It was cold, rainy and he argued to not wear a coat..and as a horrible mother I let him. He did announce after that maybe he should wear one next time and I inwardly smiled at his very adult choice. He had so much fun. \
Writing was my fun. When did I forget that? When did I stop doing it and let that part of me slowly go into a deep, cumbersome sleep?
I enter these contests called 24 Hour Short Story contests. I used to love and live for them. I got discouraged and decided I was done. Why? How did I forget that even though winning it would be awesome, that the joy in doing it was what I loved about it in the first place?
As adults, we forget a lot. But the things that bring us joy shouldn't be one of them.
Question of the Day: What simple joys did you have as a kid, and why did you feel you had to stop?
Quote of the Day: "He was a long haired, long horned flying purple people eater." -Sheb Wooley
May the odds be ever in your favor!
God Bless and Good Night
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
What in life brings you alive?
they want to eventually eat!!
Think I have more of a reason to procrastinate yet? LOL! SO...
With that.. I think it's time. Writing is what gives me a voice, has always been my passion and has been know to change the world!!
While my ambitions are not quite that high, I do like that feeling and high you get when you've written that perfect line, that perfect paragraph or that feeling of euphoria when the chapter is complete.
I miss it, I feel empty with out it and I am READY people!!!
As before, you guys will be key in helping me get there! I will ask for suggestions, periodically put on samples to get ideas and have you give me the blatant honest truth. I can take it. I have my big girl pants on, haahaaa!
There is usually a question of the day, so here it is:
What do you have in your life that really makes you come alive?
I really want to hear from you! Follow me and we shall journey forth together and fly!
Quote of the day: Keep the circus going inside you, keep it going, don't take anything too seriously, it'll all work out in the end.
-David Niven
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
A Writer Writes....If They Want to Keep Their Sanity!!: ch-ch-ch-changes
For those who remember my sons and I living in the middle of nowhere: we moved!
For those who remember my quest for love: Married!!
For those who remember my search for inspiration and storylines: maybe not so much change, lolol!!
So, I have decided to get back into it with two feet. Winter's coming and my new, wonderful husband is now having to switch to six days a week at work and I will miss him dearly. Filling the time with puzzles and Zelda and writing sounds like a plan. Most of us get melancholy during winter and I am no exception.
Look out literary world! My kid's book goes out to publishers next Monday and my magnum opus goes into to overdrive. I'm ready!!!
Question of the day: What do you do to combat the winter blahs?

Trivia Question of the day: Who invented the Pringle's can and what happened when he died?
Have an amazing day and please leave a comment or your trivia answer below! Like and share and God bless!
Thursday, June 11, 2015
try, try again
So, I am an official South Dakotian. I have found someone I love very much and things are going very well. I even have the desire to write when im not sad or down, haahaa,
Writing can commence also due to finally getting my computer back. That kind of makes things just a tish easier.
Today's post will be short due to the lateness of the hour and not much to post as of yet. I will be transferring my usb's to the com-pu-tater tomorrow if i can find them. Once that is done, smooth sailing baby!
Question of the day: What are your summer plans? I plan on having as much fun as possible and enjoying the kids and maybe a trip to the Medieval Times.
Quote of the day- Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.
Saturday, March 7, 2015
It's Saturday!! Why, for, you not read this post and push like button and comment?
It's Saturday!! Why, for, you not read this post and push like button and comment?
It's Saturday!!
I'm doing it. I'm buckling down and getting this done! I am changing my page on here from a blog to avoid finishing to one of needing your help to encourage me and give me ideas for being able to do this thing!! I made a promise to my late husband that I would finish this book. It may never get published, it may get outdated and old hat, but I will finish it. I have to. It has been a work in progress since my freshman year of high school and was waylaid for quite a few years. I think I need to do this. I really do.
So, with that in mind, I am going to get out my handy dandy notebook and start listing the old info and seeing where I am. I am going to need ideas for names, situations and all sorts of fun stuff.
Are ya with me?!?!
Question of the day- Why, for, you not read this post and push like button and comment?
Quote of the day - Severus Snape: "Discipline your mind! "
May God pour an abundance of blessing upon you and bring you peace!!! Happy Saturday!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
A Writer Writes...well, sometimes: A Great Day to leave the Union
A Great Day to leave the Union
MIke, mike, mike, mike..
Papers aplenty,
Pencils in hand
Not a book could be found
Throughout the land.
Ready for recess
without any work
no chores were completed
all work, they did shirk.
It just happened that by the time school was done, so were the patience levels all around. Great timing, huh? When the boys finally finished their work and their chores I let them have popcorn so I was told that I was a nice mom again. I was apparently a mean mom to still have them do their chores past the time they should have been done because of the goofing off. Oh, well. IF i were in the teachers union, I wouldn't be now! lol
I am now in the process of trying to figure out how to place my book genre wise. Could be horror, definitely sci-fi. Little bit of fantasy. I don't know. I guess its a sticky wicket but it should be easier once I get into the swing of it again. Still looking for girls' names for the characters daughter.....
I am happy to report that while I was not able to get my license code for my microsoft office, I did find it new on Ebay for 50 dollars. More than I wanted to spend but much less than if I had to buy it direct. I will be up and running by Friday so that my freelance work can continue.
My question for the day is taking a backburner today. I would like you to share a poem that has touched you, stuck with you and brought on feelings you didn't expect.
Mine would have to be Invictus by William Ernest Henley. 'I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.'
Speaking of the Sea. This was the very first romance novel I ever read. I read another a few years later, but it just wasnt as good so I never bothered again. Have a great night and God be with you!
Tuesday, March 3, 2015
How do you keep yourself busy when things are out of your control and you can't stop focusing on something?
Not the only one...
Now he sings 'You say I'm crazy cause I say I know what you've done. And when you call me mommy, I know that I'm the only one.' Little Weird Al's in the making, huh? They are just nutty enough to realize this and sweet enough to hug me at the end of it.
Life is good. A little trying at times, but good. I was able to recover two thirds of my book (yay!!). And while I lost quite a bit of it, I can appreciate the fact that the best way to look at it is that this is just an opportunity to do it better than it was. Still frustrating, but it's okay.
Not a very long post today as I spent most of the day setting up my new laptop, ugh. Cant find license codes (on a file in the old computer), have doubled up on some files that I was able to recover and download...etc...etc..
Enough of the icky!! Let' get down to business. If you write or have ever written, do you use and adhere to your outline or is it more of a general path like mine? I had a creative writing teacher that loved the work I turned in but couldn't figure out why my outlines were so bad. He cornered me one day and finally got out of me that I would write the piece first and then try and put an outline together after. He let it fly and graded me backwards. Technically not a great approach but..
Question of the day: How do you keep yourself busy when things are out of your control and you can't stop focusing on something?
I'm having a hard time with this one. I want to be mom and teacher and be fully here, but when it feels like a piece of yourself is missing, its just so hard to concentrate. I clean a lot, but I have to in order to keep up with the boys. I have rearranged two rooms now. I exercise twice a day (at least I will look good in the end) and organize. But its not working, lol! Help!
Quote of the day- "S'awright" - Senor Wences
Have a wonderful night, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite....too hard....
Monday, March 2, 2015
A Writer Writes...well, sometimes: Where did the time go?
Where did the time go?
You might remember my daughter had a car crash in October and she is still recovering. She is now facing reconstructive surgery that entails the use of one of her own ribs to complete. I dont know how they are capable of doing these things. It is amazing what God can put into the minds of man.
My two Apserger sons are cooped up in a house all day due to the freezing temps and the snow.My daughter and her husband are navigating their way slowly but surely and adjusting very quickly to the changing dynamics of more than one kid-dom.
My brother in law was shot in St. Louis in his calf and is still struggling with being able to walk and using a specialized boot to do so. My sister also homeschools her three little guys so that is a lot added onto her plate. As well as looking for a job.
As for myself, I have met an amazing, God send of a man who has made the time slip away from me in getting things done! It is hard to concentrate and write when your head is up in the air racing from cloud to cloud. He is so very much a rarity these days: a gentleman, a good father, kind and loving. Thanks be to Thee, O God.
As for the book, one minor set back- lost the entire thing on my computers hard drive. I am taking it in this week to see if the information can be retrieved, but I am not so sure my luck will hold out this time.
Question of the day- What changes have taken place in your life that you never would have guessed from this time last year?
Quote of the day -"It can't rain all the time..." -The Crow
May You Have a Blessed Evening, Good Night.
Saturday, January 10, 2015
A Writer Writes...well, sometimes: The Ravenous Crew of Invaders Attacks!!!
The Ravenous Crew of Invaders Attacks!!!
Largely vegetarian, we have done so well. One son would not touch meat since the day he was born, another too small to appreciate much more than hot dogs and ground beef with the occasional piece of chicken. The oldest, meat with a side of meat with meat.
Those were the days. Now it is a constant, all meat request, all the time! With the price of meat, being what it is, this can get really complicated. Here, chicken is 2.89 a pound, ground beef can vary from 3.89 to 5.14 a pound and heaven forbid you try to buy a roast. We do tend to have at least one meat meal a day now, it used to be three times a day. And, no we did not cut back due to prices. We made many nutritional adjustments that made the need for pills for their ADHD and Aspergers almost unnecessary. We adjust according to what their preferences are. They still get meat but yet not as much as most people seem to think is a healthy amount. You'd be surprised.
Other dietary issues include lactose intolerance, gluten issues and NO food dyes. Let's just say it is a very literal statement when I say that they bounce off of the walls with food dyes. I am so happy for the sheer amount of choices out there now for making things as 'normal' as possible food wise. Ready made gluten free bread, gluten free pastas and snack choices. Almond milk in a variety of flavors and choices. Even Target has dye free and sugar free options when it comes to children's medicines now.
Okay, so my question for today is : What special dietary needs does your family have and do you have a recipe you would like to share?
Quote of the Day- "Don't interfere with anything in the Constitution. That must be maintained, for it is the only safeguard of our liberties. And not to Democrats alone do I make this appeal, but to all who love these great and true principles." --August 27, 1856 Speech at Kalamazoo, Michigan. Abraham Lincoln
Goodnight and God's blessings!
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
A Writer Writes...well, sometimes: Happy Day Before the Crazies Attack The Retail Sto...
Happy Day Before the Crazies Attack The Retail Stores!!!
To be truthful, I am more than likely going to pass this year. Ten degrees is not exactly my idea of a fun time of it. Last year I went by myself which was also no fun, but I only needed two items and got them both.
When did the greed factor become so high that businesses take people from their families on a day they should be able to stay with the ones they are thankful for? Everything would still sell just as well on Friday as it does on Thursday.
I have put out links to my children's book for anyone that is interested. If you live nearby or even wish to mail me the book to sign any copies and personalize them, I would be more than happy to do so.
And no, no writing today. My daughter is still recovering but, as of yesterday is back home at her apartment with her little one. Once the chaos has died down and the routine of the boys' is back, we should be good to go. Weekly trips to Omaha are still there, but not as bad as they were.
So, I am now getting good sleep, eating better and am de-stressing, so prepare yourselves for an onslaught of questions and idea requests!! lol!!
Question of the day - What are your thoughts on 'Grey Thursday'?
Quote of the day - "It will be a killer, and a chiller, and a thriller, when I get the gorilla in Manila." -Muhammad Ali
Have wonderful dreams, amazing rest and wake with a smile on your lips. Good night!
Saturday, November 1, 2014
I would love it if you would share your cutest Halloween pics! The more unique the better!!
IT's Saturday!!!
First off, Saturdays are my repair days. This round was the dishwasher (gorilla glue), the bathroom cabinet door (wood Gorilla glue), the door jamb strip (nails and Gorilla glue) and two of the hallway closet doors. The third couldn't be fixed due to the hardware going awol.
Second, I do two loads of laundry a day. Four on Saturday. Add in a baby and a sick one to care for that requires a lot of towels and it goes up a bit!
Third, BIRTHDAY PARTY TOMORROW!!!! My grandson's first birthday is tomorrow and I am so blessed that he is with us! Every day I thank God that his and my daughter's lives were spared in the accident. He is so sweet and special and amazing. He is truly a gift.
So, no writing today. Plenty of living. Plenty of prayer and a whole lot of patience. But, no writing. Tomorrow I will be starting a book for my Ayden. Just a little one for little guys, but one that I hope I can read to him for years to come.
Instead of a question of the day, I have a request. I would love it if you would share your cutest Halloween pics! The more unique the better!!
Quote of the day- Caretaker from Ghost Rider: [voiceover]" It's said that the West was built on legends. And that legends are a way of understanding things greater than ourselves. Forces that shape our lives, events that defy explanation. Individuals whose lives soar to the heavens or fall to the earth. This is how legends are born."
Good night, my sweet Ayden. Happiest of birthdays and dreams! Good night, all!