Thursday, June 11, 2015

try, try again

I know its been a while, but here goes nuttin!
So, I am an official South Dakotian.  I have found someone I love very much and things are going very well.  I even have the desire to write when im not sad or down, haahaa,

Writing can commence also due to finally getting my computer back.  That kind of makes things just a tish easier.

Today's post will be short due to the lateness of the hour and not much to post as of yet.  I will be transferring my usb's to the com-pu-tater tomorrow if i can find them.  Once that is done, smooth sailing baby!

Question of the day:  What are your summer plans?  I plan on having as much fun as possible and enjoying the kids and maybe a trip to the Medieval Times.

Quote of the day- Throughout life people will make you mad, disrespect you and treat you bad. Let God deal with the things they do, cause hate in your heart will consume you too.


God be with you all!!