Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Question of the day: If you have sons and daughters (or sisters), which do you think are the easier to raise?

A Writer Writes...well, sometimes: Another surgery.  I am sure that otherwise that I ...: Another surgery.  I am sure that otherwise that I would have gotten at least a third of my story done. (Ducks down to avoid the lightning ...
Another surgery.  I am sure that otherwise that I would have gotten at least a third of my story done.

(Ducks down to avoid the lightning streaking right for me through the sky.) We went in for three (yes, three) separate doctor's appointments and the second doc called the third doc and instead of the third being two hours later, the third doc said to go, 'now'.  Within 2 hours she was in pre-op and going under.

If you have ever had to wait for a loved one for surgery you know that there is no concentrating on anything actually.  I don't think that I could write, let alone do any story plotting.  Oh, well.

So, if you are gone overnight and someone is watching the boys and when you get back the dishwasher is broken, the handle to the sink is broken, a panel from a wood cabinet door and beans on the ceiling is it considered that the babysitter was very effective?  I have to say, no.  Just the frustration of dealing with everything and extra people and all the housework and laundry has made me want to run around in circles and do the Tarzan yell.

OOOHHHHHMMMMM..  much better.

Boys, I have boys.  Boys, I have boys.

That is my new mantra.  Much less drama but, man oh man.  While girls need to come with manuals, boys should come with repair manuals.

Question of the day:  If you have sons and daughters (or sisters), which do you think are the easier to raise?

Quote of the day- “Where I'm from, we believe in all sorts of things that aren't true... we call it history.” 
― Gregory MaguireWicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West

Good night and bless you!

Friday, October 24, 2014

A Writer Writes...well, sometimes: I DID IT!!!

A Writer Writes...well, sometimes: I DID IT!!! How do you relax and find normalcy?  What do you do to make the bleary, weary world that much better to face the next day?


I did it!  I honestly thought about how I would like to be typing right now!  AAAAHHH!!!  

But, please, do not be mistaken.  It was only a thought.  I, in no way, took part in any writing or spent any effort to try to attempt to act on this particular urge.  My informal disclaimer.

However, I will admit that more than a twinge of sadness comes over me each time I am at the computer and could possibly have the time to write and instead end up on Facebook or something along those lines.  

My sister Kristen who is an amazing person and mother has three boys as well that she also does an excellent job homeschooling is the one reason I still even consider writing, though she may never know.  Her honesty and love have given me so much encouragement and made me feel like I could do so much more.  She is my cheering section.

Did you get out and enjoy today?

Well, the weather here has been beautiful.  Warm sunlight cutting through the canopies of leaves beaming down on us as we lay on the grass and read our lessons for the day.  Glancing around at the faces of my sons as they laugh or giggle at some line or other in our reading.  My youngest picking the grass lazily and letting it fall gently to the ground through his fingers.  The other two laying back with their arms behind their heads stretched out and gazing up at the sky.  It doesn't get much better than this.  This is a very acceptable trade off for not writing.  These are the days you cherish and treasure.  This little bit of heaven in the midst of chaos and havoc.  

Question of the day- How do you relax and find normalcy?  What do you do to make the bleary, weary world that much better to face the next day?

Quote of the day-“Sometimes the right thing feels all wrong until it is over and done with.” 
― Alice HoffmanPractical Magic

"For my sister, Kristen."

Have a blessed night and take care, all!

Monday, October 20, 2014

A Writer Writes...well, sometimes: I honestly have not forgotten!!!

A Writer Writes...well, sometimes: I honestly have not forgotten!!!: Hiyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I have not forgotten about you!!  I have just had a doozy of a month!  My daughter and grandson were in a scary c...

I honestly have not forgotten!!!


I have not forgotten about you!!  I have just had a doozy of a month!  My daughter and grandson were in a scary car accident.  My grandson escaped with only minor bruising.  My daughter was a completely different story.  Fractured and dislocated jaw which has required two surgeries and a fractured sacrum (pelvis part) which requires her to put no weight on it and various loose ligaments in her neck.

She is staying with me for the duration as she cannot lift my grandson and has other needs which need attending.


Hows that for an excuse for not writing?  The hospital with her three specialists?  a hundred miles away, two hundred round trip.... we are up to 19 visits with who know how many more to go.  I just keep praying for the patience of Job and the Mines of Solomon!  lol!!  

I love them both so much and am just thankful that they are even still here with us.  The van flipped and twirled and pirouetted across a dark field with no highway lights at midnight.  We could not find them for almost an hour and emergency vehicles had floodlights and such out.  She was completely incoherent for the first part and when I finally got her to understand a bit about what was going on she was able to call 911 and then they could pinpoint her location.  It was a scary chunk of time, but find her, we did.  Worse for wear but still here and no injuries she couldn't recover from.  

Youth can be a gift and a hindrance.  Young enough to not realize and appreciate how blessed and lucky you are.  Add in the curse of impatience and the inability to see your own mortality and you have a recipe for disaster.  It will come with time and age and wisdom, but I think the rest of us can be thankful enough for everybody.

Question of the day:  What have you had happen to you in your life that made you feel truly blessed to be alive?

Quote of the day:Charlie Brown- "I think I’m losing control of the whole world."

Hug someone you love tonight.  Call someone you haven't talk to in a while and tell them how much they mean to you.  Never go to bed angry.  Good Night