Thursday, September 3, 2020

Finding My Place, Again!: How Honorable is it?

Finding My Place, Again!: How Honorable is it?:  Honorable mention for the 24 Hr contest.  Ugh.  Times like this I want to just stop and probably would if it weren't for the fact that ...

How Honorable is it?

 Honorable mention for the 24 Hr contest.  Ugh.  Times like this I want to just stop and probably would if it weren't for the fact that writing is too much a part of my life to stop.  I have ideas going through my head at a phenomenal rate, yet, so little writing time...

I wonder, sometimes, if it (writing for a living) will ever be part of my life.  I crave it, yet, feel like I am so far below par in my capabilities that it seems a pipe dream.  

Beautiful weather today.  I chose reading today which I like to view as practicing, haahaa.  Of all things, I am rereading The BOOB Girls which is a Nebraska based series that is hilarious, if you ever have the time.

I have decided to ake a break from the short story format for a bit as I am always having to shorten so much out of it that what I end up with is far beneath the quality I prefer to output.  Translation: it chops out all the good parts and I just can't seem to shorten it and keep the quality there.  I found one I like better which is a writing prompt site that allows you a week and a choice of five prompts and larger word counts.  I am really enjoying at and one more aspect is that writers can comment on other writer's works.  It's really keen, haahaa.

So....Question of the day?  Despite the beautiful weatehr, what are you reading right now?  Please comment below and let me know.  I'd love to hear it.

Quote of the day:  "Happine3ss comes in waves.  It'll find you again." - Unknown

Image result for evening sky with moon

Havve an amazing and blessed day!