Thursday, July 5, 2018

How was your 4th?

How was your fourth, everyone?  Hope you had a safe, fun and family day!  

I, as predicted, got absolutely no writing done but had an awesome time.  The kids set off their fireworks, we studied what the fourth is and why we celebrate.  Really good cookout that my husband grilled for (it was awesome, honey).  And kids going mad with the sparkler and firecracker crazies, haahaa.

Well, I am hoping you will share your fourth stories with us as it is always good to hear from you all.

Today's quote: Freedom is one of the deepest and noblest aspirations of the human spirit. -Ronald Reagan

Question of the day:  What is your favorite holiday and why?

True picture of my kids after being given a chore, lololol!!!

As always, have a blessed day and be strong!

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