Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Day of mini, yet, wonderful landmarks!!

OKAY!!!  So I felt super, super cool today.  I, little computer geek, me-  REWROTE and ADDED to code to get a Facebook 'like' button on my page after my posts!  Awesome-sauce!

Anywho, I sent off another manuscript today.  I found one of the last few publishing houses that will take unsolicited manuscripts and mailed it off.  I was actually pro-active! I did not have a large manila envelope, stamp or paper in the printer.  But I did it!  It may sound like simple everyday things, but, sometimes when you are almost scared to get what you wish for most, it seems that these are little hurdles.

I know.  Ridiculousness...  But....  I am seriously going to try to write later tonight.  But, we have this thing...

Okay.  So.  My boys and I have this..thing.  They each have one night of the week that is theirs and only theirs.  They pick out a show to watch, you do whatever activity they want like board games or dominoes or whatever.  We have a special little snack and they get to sleep in my room with me and fall asleep cuddling.  Tonight it is Nikolaus' night.  He wants to have granola bars and apples, watch My Pretty Pony and play with his new little drum set.  My eye is already twitching.  I love it though!

Excuse #9 - I did some work towards writing today.  But, now, it's time to value what I have already and cherish my little cherub for the night.  His night.

Now.  Before I post the question of the day, please note:  IT IS NOT RHETORICAL!!  I really want to hear from you what your answer would be.  Honestly.  

Question of the day:  Which has a higher decibel- The cymbals on the drum set or the high pitched squeal of a four year old?

"Mother is the name of God on the lips and hearts of all children."  -Eric Draven

Have a great night, everybody!


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