Wednesday, April 9, 2014

paralegal eagle

I am now a paralegal eagle.  No, I am not a paralegal.  I am now well versed in the job descriptions for at least five different paralegal assistant's duties.  Better than the 80,000 word ebook on building decks.  Geesh.

I have come to realize that my sons may not be 'normal'.  Okay, I think that mostly anyone who meets us would definitely agree that we do not fit the cookie cuter mold of normal.  And I kinda like that.  In fact, I am not really sure what I would do with them if they were normal.  I spent the day teaching iron man, a dragon and a nerf fighter.  Did you know Iron man has troubles counting to 20?  The dragon cannot fly from the fourth stair from the bottom of the stairway and the nerf fighter has bad aim past 10 feet? Well, obviously other than the counting, these are not normally courses that are covered during our school day.  Though, they do try quite often.  They normally don't get to wear their costumes to school, but it was kind of a reward for having done a pretty good job for the first half of the week.

I now have a more long term writing job from the same individual and am enjoying it.  Well, as much as you can enjoy typing all day.  I do love to type, but I would rather have a slightly different subject to write about.

I had no umph today to any writing, as expected.  We did have a picnic by a historic bridge in the next town over and enjoyed a little creek we found there.

Excuse #14 - Sunshine on my shoulder!  Just loving it up today!

Question of the day- Can anyone tell me the historical story of the bridge in Pender, Nebraska?

"What I am is what I am.  Are you what you are, or, what?"  -Edie Brickell

Lovely Lady in the Red Hat.  I always wonder if she was just caught off guard or something that was said surprised her.

Have a most blessed night,

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Writing gig and baby prayers

Okay, so its not much, but I just finished a day gig for my freelance work and I think the guy is looking for more of a regular basis type work.  Yay me!  It's not rocket science, but the pay is better than the average (though still kinda low)  but at least it's work.

On a more serious note.  Could you all keep my grandson, Ayden in your prayers?  He is going in for a rather serious surgery and we all love him so much.  He has gone through so much already, but he and his momma are an unstoppable team and I am so proud of them both.  I love the way she is approaching it not as a 'poor poor little guy'  but like a champ and a warrior.  Some of his issues are simply a part of him.  They don't make him any less, they make him more than he could be!  She is just...amazing.

Writing was kind of put on hold today due to the whole writing job thing.  But, I am not one to look a gift horse in the mouth.  Money is money and is always appreciated, honey!  Lol!!

And, guess what?  No, really,guess...No?  Okay, so I finally got the rest of my submissions for this round mailed off!!  Yay, again!  I am going to look for another list of possibles next week. I don't think my nerves could take another one this week!

Excuse #13 - A few extra bucks in my pocket for the circus couldn't hurt too much, right?

Question of the day- "How come nobody comments on my blog?"  lol

“Amy Pond, there’s something you’d better understand about me ‘cause it’s important, and one day your life may depend on it: I am definitely a mad man with a box!” - The Doctor

(Shameless plug for my grandson, Ayden!)  Love you little guy!



Monday, April 7, 2014

The squirrels is twitterpated!!!

Twitterpated little squirrels are running everywhere!!!  A couple seemed to have lost their nuts.  Gosh.  There is also this insane woodpecker that only knocks on the trees during meal times.  That's pretty cool.  Niki, my four year old, runs out there full tilt to watch him peck at the tree and then scolds the boys for being too loud and scaring him off!

Not much writing done today.  There was just too much sunshine and too much boy!  We had so much fun today in school.  If you weren't aware, my two oldest sons have Aspergers.   Any day we can have a good day at school all the way across the board is amazing.  I just went with it.

I know that there are different strokes for different strokes, but...  Okay, we were covering types of poetry today. We were studying sound poetry.  Now, I do not know if you have ever listened to or even heard of sound poetry before, but... I tried.  Um... it seems to be a version of scat in jazz only done in a poetic form.

.....I don't think I would say that I am a fan, but having to scrape my son off of the floor who was rolling around in stitches on the floor.  I do not think he appreciated the..artistic quality of it all.  I also think it may be a while before the pain in his side from laughing is gone.

Question of the day- Could you please share a haiku poem on here for everyone?  5-7-5!

"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul."  - William Ernest Henley

This is just-scary.  I like the Madea movies, but, wow...

Despite the image have a great night.


Sunday, April 6, 2014

This House is Clean

How are you doing today?  Well, I for one, have gotten to the point where I am starting to get a handle on the house thanks to a couple good days of weather.  Boys outside mean clean house inside. For me a clean house means a clear mind.  Thus...


Not anything in particular, though, unfortunately.  More ideas, story line and character development.  Blah, blah, blah blah blah.....

Anywho, we had a nice quiet Sunday at home since we missed church.  I cleaned the kitchen, they dirtied the kitchen.  I cleaned the living room, they dirtied the dining room.  I cleaned the dining room, they got sent out to play in the yard.  I finally got caught up to a certain degree.

I have a character I am working on that is a bit, well, odd.  He has taken on the form of a six foot tall amazon type woman who is preparing to give birth from her back.  Freeeaakkkyy, right?  Well, I gotta tell you, trying to figure out the logistics on that while preserving the form is a bit much.

Question of the day -  Instead of me asking a question today, is there anything you would like to know?  I'm a pretty much open book, so I would welcome your inquiries.  I look forward to your questions!

" I close my eyes only for a moment, and the moment's gone."  - Kansas

Take care and have a good night,

My late husband and my first three went and saw this in Michigan.  It is the World's largest Man eating clam.  They all posed in front of it and behaved as though the clam was attacking them.  That was a good day.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Do I get my nap now?

I want a nap.  I want to be grounded and sent to my room for the rest of the day.  Please?

Oh, well.  It was worth a try.  

Today was a great lazy day kind of Saturday.  The boys seemed to be marginally normal which is not normal.  They went to the park and I wrote.  They played in the den, and I wrote.  They walked to the store, and I watched the Conjuring.  If you have not seen this movie I am telling you it is awesome.  It is the only movie to actually scare me in a very long time.  Post Stephen King.  Watch something funny afterwards to get it out of your system,though.

So, again, I only really did rewrites but it was something.  I actually started to get lost in the story again.  I forgot how much I enjoyed the characters.

Today my question is ....well...I guess I just am starting to lose umph.  No one comments on here so it just becomes a sounding board for my own ramblings.  There are 'likes' and people are reading.  As of today there have been over 700 views of my blog.  But no one adds it, follows me or comments.  I actually do want to hear what your answers are.  They are not rhetorical.  Your interest is important to me.  

So, I guess my question would be -  Have you ever watched Lawrence Welk and danced or bopped along with it?  My daughters and sons have danced together in extravagant costumes and whirled and twirled with skirts billowing around them.  My oldest son was their partner.  They're too old for this now, but my sons still have me as a partner.

“When I was your age, television was called books.” 
― William GoldmanThe Princess Bride

The beautiful Overlook Hotel from 'The Shining'.   Love this.

Take care, all.


Friday, April 4, 2014

Ugh! It's just too bright out!!

Snow.  Again.  I am working on the last vestiges of a migraine that is just clinging on with it's long, red talons.  Ugh.  The snow outside didn't help.  

On a lighter note... Do you like my new page design!?!?  I kinda lost the 'like' button after I did it, but it only took an hour to get it back this time.  I thought it needed some freshening up.

So.  SEVEN PAGES!!  I rewrote and edited seven pages today.  I probably shouldn't have with my head being icky, but I really felt drawn in.  It is a sci-fi/horror book that is currently at 256 pages long.  This has been in the making since my freshman year of high school.  Talk about procrastination.  It was only a few dozen pages long at the time.  Years later after I was married, I pulled it out again.  My late husband read it and, being a sci fi geek, he went berserkers!!  I couldn't believe it.  No one had ever read it before then and only one person has read it since.  (Honestly, I think she just skimmed and pretended to read it, as she had no clue as to what my questions meant. She was more of a romance novel type.)

Well, my sons were stuck in the house again due to the weather.  Combine that with a drum set for the four year old, forty questions from the eight year old and piano lessons for the thirteen year old and the headache doesn't seem so surprising anymore.

My youngest has the wonderful habit of coming in to my bed each night and pretty much wrapping himself around my head and shoulders complete with full head embrace.  This is the main trigger for my headaches. I love him and love to cuddle, but the migraines are a bit much.  How do I tell him no?  I have begun to be a bit more forceful in getting him to at least pull back to my side and shoulders.  I need to keep a pry bar next to my bed on my nightstand to get him off during the night.

Excuse #12  - I did write, but not as much as I would have liked to have.  I also should have sent off the other emails.  But, do you know what havoc a computer screen plays on your head?!?

Question of the day - How do/did you get your child to stop coming in to your bed every night?

"A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools." - Douglas Adams

Goodnight, all!


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Loving C. S. Lewis

Right now, as two of my boys lay rolled up in blankies in the living room for a sort of camp out, they are listening to C. S. Lewis' The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.  It is a wonderful reading I found on YouTube.  

We found the neatest barber in town who does the most amazing job on the boy's hair.  They have thirty thousand cowlicks and their dad's crooked part.  He thinned here, trimmed here and cut there and I ended up with three very handsome boys.  And I didn't have to do it!  I have every intention of taking them there from now on!  NO more wiggling, giggling boys writhing about under very sharp instruments of torture!

In regards to the writing:  I did it!  I sent off yet another manuscript and am hoping you cross your fingers, toes and eyes for me along with many, many prayers that these are met with acceptance.  I have several kids books that were written for my boys, but, again, that whole procrastinating thing was (and is) still going on.  One book at a time, guys.  I should have done it sooner, but - there it is!
I did try.  You know.  W -R-I-T-I-N-G.  I did submit the manuscript AND manage to run a load in the dishwasher!  

I don't know if you knew it, but I homeschool my boys.  Today was the day that we needed bright sunshine to throw them outdoors for recess but instead had a slushy rain fall.  They are stir crazy, I am manic trying to keep everything clean behind them.  The difference with homeschooling:  There is no catchup time.  The mess continues throughout the entire day....

Maybe if I just duct taped them to the ceiling, but then I would have to climb a ladder to clean the ceiling.  LOL!

Excuse #11  -  Too much rain, and too much boy.  I know I stated that rain is good for my writing, but that is not what this is!  This is just Poe-depressing.

Today's question - Should the Narnia series be changed to chronological order from its original order with Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe being the first?  

"Every night, before he turned in, he would write in the book. He wrote about things he had done, things he had seen, and thoughts he had had. Sometimes he drew a picture. He always ended by asking himself a question so he would have something to think about while falling asleep." -The Trumpet of the Swan  E. B.White

Good night, you!


Just a quick note before the blog later

This is not my regular daily blog, I just saw this and thought it was funky, Alice in Wonderlandish and just cool!!!  This is my muse for the day.  I just can't stop looking at it.  It is hypnotic!!

Have any cool images for me?

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

A Writer Writes...well, sometimes: Wake me up when the flowers bloom

A Writer Writes...well, sometimes: Wake me up when the flowers bloom: Weather Forecast:  More snow.   House Forecast:  Big Messes from three cooped up boys Mental Forecast:  AAARRRGGHHHH!!! We are expectin...

Wake me up when the flowers bloom

Weather Forecast:  More snow.  
House Forecast:  Big Messes from three cooped up boys
Mental Forecast:  AAARRRGGHHHH!!!

We are expecting 5-10 inches of snow.  Now, I do not normally complain about the weather.  You can't change it and it does whatever God wants it to do.  But.  Two days ago I got to feel the warmth of the sun on my face as I sat peacefully on my deck looking out over the fields.  I WANT IT BACK!!  LOL!

If this is global warming, could it do so soon?  I sincerely need to defrost my footsies.  My one son looks like Rudolph most days!  Ugh.

I did not get a single word written today.  Not one.  Life happened.  Funeral, grocery shopping, putting up groceries, cleaning up broken eggs from both carpet and tile, dinner, candle wax chiseled off of the walls, etc....

Excuse #10  -  Life Happened.  I repeat-Life Happened.  It happens.  I was not even procrastinating today.  I simply did not have the time.  I know, you can always make time if it's important.  Not always, I say.

Question of the day -  Does an imaginary friend make the friend any less important or does it set you up for a lifetime of loneliness?   Hmm.

"Life? Don't talk to me about life!"  -Marvin

Have a blessed night, all.


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Day of mini, yet, wonderful landmarks!!

OKAY!!!  So I felt super, super cool today.  I, little computer geek, me-  REWROTE and ADDED to code to get a Facebook 'like' button on my page after my posts!  Awesome-sauce!

Anywho, I sent off another manuscript today.  I found one of the last few publishing houses that will take unsolicited manuscripts and mailed it off.  I was actually pro-active! I did not have a large manila envelope, stamp or paper in the printer.  But I did it!  It may sound like simple everyday things, but, sometimes when you are almost scared to get what you wish for most, it seems that these are little hurdles.

I know.  Ridiculousness...  But....  I am seriously going to try to write later tonight.  But, we have this thing...

Okay.  So.  My boys and I have this..thing.  They each have one night of the week that is theirs and only theirs.  They pick out a show to watch, you do whatever activity they want like board games or dominoes or whatever.  We have a special little snack and they get to sleep in my room with me and fall asleep cuddling.  Tonight it is Nikolaus' night.  He wants to have granola bars and apples, watch My Pretty Pony and play with his new little drum set.  My eye is already twitching.  I love it though!

Excuse #9 - I did some work towards writing today.  But, now, it's time to value what I have already and cherish my little cherub for the night.  His night.

Now.  Before I post the question of the day, please note:  IT IS NOT RHETORICAL!!  I really want to hear from you what your answer would be.  Honestly.  

Question of the day:  Which has a higher decibel- The cymbals on the drum set or the high pitched squeal of a four year old?

"Mother is the name of God on the lips and hearts of all children."  -Eric Draven

Have a great night, everybody!
