I have come to realize that my sons may not be 'normal'. Okay, I think that mostly anyone who meets us would definitely agree that we do not fit the cookie cuter mold of normal. And I kinda like that. In fact, I am not really sure what I would do with them if they were normal. I spent the day teaching iron man, a dragon and a nerf fighter. Did you know Iron man has troubles counting to 20? The dragon cannot fly from the fourth stair from the bottom of the stairway and the nerf fighter has bad aim past 10 feet? Well, obviously other than the counting, these are not normally courses that are covered during our school day. Though, they do try quite often. They normally don't get to wear their costumes to school, but it was kind of a reward for having done a pretty good job for the first half of the week.
I now have a more long term writing job from the same individual and am enjoying it. Well, as much as you can enjoy typing all day. I do love to type, but I would rather have a slightly different subject to write about.
I had no umph today to any writing, as expected. We did have a picnic by a historic bridge in the next town over and enjoyed a little creek we found there.
Excuse #14 - Sunshine on my shoulder! Just loving it up today!
Question of the day- Can anyone tell me the historical story of the bridge in Pender, Nebraska?
"What I am is what I am. Are you what you are, or, what?" -Edie Brickell
Lovely Lady in the Red Hat. I always wonder if she was just caught off guard or something that was said surprised her.
Have a most blessed night,