Saturday, March 29, 2014

Just a blah blah blah kind of day

Excuse # 5-   The day was so ho hum that I just couldn't do it.

It wasn't the best of times, it wasn't the worst of times.  But, it was still the season of my discontent.  A very dear friend of mine from church died today.  It felt like my stomach just dropped right out.  He was an older gentleman and had been sick for quite a while.  I think it was the sense of loss that hit me.  Not the type of loss where you are going to miss the person.  It is the thought of the loss of such a fine person with such a strong faith in God in a world where they are becoming not only rare to find, but almost obsolete.  

He spent his life taking care of his older sister and they lived together until the day she ended up in the nursing home and he very politely waited until she was settled and then went into the hospital for his ailments.  He was a war veteran who supported his family as best he could.  Having never married, they both stayed on the family homsestead until this happened.  

Needless to say, my mind was not on typing today.  I was flighty, snappish at times and just had an overall sense of sadness.  Perfect for Poe or for Dante, but not for me.  

I wish the rain would come back.  I do my best writing in the rain in front of a window.  All we are getting is!

So, plenty of gloom and doom and cleaning the room, but no writing.  

Today's question:  Wouldn't it be great if everyone kept a journal that could be read by others so that all of the amazing things they do everyday could be remembered?  Or, would the person consider the amazing things they do as simply common place and feel they were of no import?

Have a beautiful night.

"My course is set for an uncharted sea."  -Dante

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