Friday, March 28, 2014

Day 4.... I actually wrote today!!

Okay, so, I may have dreaded opening the documents to even begin today.  Normally they are always up on the desktop as a guilty reminder that I haven't done what I keep promising myself I will do everyday.  Sometime in the night Microsoft, gods though they be, decided in their infinite wisdom that I needed an update and turned everything off on me.  They were kind enough to restart it, but just didn't make the extra effort to reopen my tabs and files for me.  

UUUGGGHHH!!!  So not only did I face having to reopen the files and set them up as a split screen, but I also had to filter through various levels of 'autosaved', 'last saved by user' and 'multiple copies-cannot save into current files that are opened' or some such nonsense.  I know, I could be more thankful that they auto save.  But, ugh, it's a given now so on to the next mole hill into a mountain.  But, as I mentioned in the title of today's post, I WROTE!!  It was just a rewrite on two pages, but, still....  I didn't just rewrite what was there- I actually created!  I even was astute enough to realize that the point of view was completely different from that of the narration of the rest of the chapters!  I was so proud of me, aren't you!?!!

Today's excuse:  Computer User Difficulties and Sheer Laziness

IF they wanted to make it easier on me, they would never have invented Windows 8!  

I also used to do a question of the day. 

 Today's question:  How long between books do you need to be before you are no longer considered an author?  My last book was in 2008, my last short story was early in 2013 and my last poem in late 2012.  I need to be motivated people!!  Come on, let's rally!!

Good Night all

"Caught up in circles, confusion is nothing new.."  -Cyndi Lauper


kwbjj said...

I'm here to motivate from your loving sister krissy!!!

kwbjj said...

I don't think it really matters how long you take between books Stephen King waited years between a lot of his books..I think most authors keep the books coming a little bit faster just to keep the audience.