Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sweet Dreams!!

Hi! Okay, formalities out of the way, what is with the pills on the market out there? One that guarantees a great nights sleep. Side effects: heat attack, stroke, memory loss, blindness, dementia or swollen tongue or throat resulting in death. Sweet Dreams!

Another promises great eyelashes, just make sure you keep the aspirin close so when that cute paramedic trying to restart your heart sees you he won't say, "Hey, good thing she took those aspirins to help with the heart attack, it would be such a waste to lose such perfect eyelashes!" I know society has this huge stone around our necks trying to tell us what we should look like, who we should be, how we should be.... But, if he's Mr. Right, don't ya think he might forgive a slight tummy bulge and thin eyebrows? Otherwise, you have wasted your money for no real reason at all. If you need any real proof, accidentally drop your fork and when he bends, count the plugs that he had put in a few months ago to impress the ladies.

I guess we only have to catch one, though, right? Then, women go through even more to try and keep him. If you have to turn backwards flips to keep him, again, you can't get plastic surgery for your attitude or personality.

Yes, more time on the couch, on my stomach with these awful infomercials. Yes, more time not writing and instead trying to just not turn into a turnip or some other vegetable. (Not potato, they're bad for my blood sugar).

I have, for some strange reason, have had the urge to write poetry again. While I have some published, I haven't thought about it for some time. But, that's good. That means the gerbils up there are still moving around (maybe not using their little wheel yet, but moving and alive).

So, question: How far would you be willing to go for a guy, and would you admit that that is the reason why you were altering your appearance?

My excuse:#6 My hand was fused to the remote and thus, unable to type.

"You've been nipped and tucked...You're a turkey!"

1 comment:

lazy2tooto said...

Just testing to see if this comment actually gets posted. Linda