Sunday, September 25, 2011

Missing my weekly Church Boost

Sitting in church was just not going to happen today. If I'd have had my fifteen year old here, it might have been feasible, but alas, no. I missed having service, though. It gives me a boost that lasts throughout the week. Do any of you feel that way or am I the weird one out as usual?

We have made progress in recovery. Nik has discovered that he can put my head on his lap and he can sing to me and read me books (on my head of course). It is so sweet (unless he forgets his dittie and then you see mom able to jump up very quickly).

Anywho, I actually sat up in a chair for a while today and enjoyed the breeze outside. I couldn't do it for too long, but it's better than it was.

I am using my daughters computer since I cannot locate my little one. It is an EEpc and it is tiny and it is lost in the house somewhere (probably with all the socks).

That brings me to reason #4: I can't find my computer to type. (almost as bad a smy dog ate it)

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