Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Some days,........

Hi, all. How was your day? I, for one, worked too hard (thanks for the distraction, Linda) did too much despite my oath to take it easy, and probably ate too many veggies today. It could have been worse, regional Mickey's Donuts. Or White Castles. Or- I better stop, I'm getting hungry and I am not going back downstairs to make anything.

Well, I at least did a document recovery on my current tids and bits writing. I did not put anything down, but at least it's a start. Contrary to popular belief, I do want to finish one of my books, I just have been away from it for so long that it seems such a daunting prospect to take on. I know some of the tricks like an outline (which I never do) a brainstorm page, (which I always lose) and also the ever popular, just wade into it and burn out in a day or two. I've done that many a time and am sure this one is not working for me. If you have any ideas, feel free to bombard me with them.

Question : I understand flies help to decompose, but what earthly good has anyone found yet for mosquitoes!? Please tell me if you know.

Excuse #6 : I can't think for the cravings and hunger pains! My mind is a blur! Procrastination always brings on a huge appetite!


I am leaving you with a little food for thought-Taco Bell, Olive Garden,etc.... (ha-ha)

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