Friday, September 30, 2011

This is gonna be short...

Hey-ho. I'm tired. I'm sore.

Question of the day: Is it the 26th of October yet?

Excuse, just can't do it. #7

"I think I can, I thought I could." I was wrong.

Goodnight, all.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Sweet Dreams!!

Hi! Okay, formalities out of the way, what is with the pills on the market out there? One that guarantees a great nights sleep. Side effects: heat attack, stroke, memory loss, blindness, dementia or swollen tongue or throat resulting in death. Sweet Dreams!

Another promises great eyelashes, just make sure you keep the aspirin close so when that cute paramedic trying to restart your heart sees you he won't say, "Hey, good thing she took those aspirins to help with the heart attack, it would be such a waste to lose such perfect eyelashes!" I know society has this huge stone around our necks trying to tell us what we should look like, who we should be, how we should be.... But, if he's Mr. Right, don't ya think he might forgive a slight tummy bulge and thin eyebrows? Otherwise, you have wasted your money for no real reason at all. If you need any real proof, accidentally drop your fork and when he bends, count the plugs that he had put in a few months ago to impress the ladies.

I guess we only have to catch one, though, right? Then, women go through even more to try and keep him. If you have to turn backwards flips to keep him, again, you can't get plastic surgery for your attitude or personality.

Yes, more time on the couch, on my stomach with these awful infomercials. Yes, more time not writing and instead trying to just not turn into a turnip or some other vegetable. (Not potato, they're bad for my blood sugar).

I have, for some strange reason, have had the urge to write poetry again. While I have some published, I haven't thought about it for some time. But, that's good. That means the gerbils up there are still moving around (maybe not using their little wheel yet, but moving and alive).

So, question: How far would you be willing to go for a guy, and would you admit that that is the reason why you were altering your appearance?

My excuse:#6 My hand was fused to the remote and thus, unable to type.

"You've been nipped and tucked...You're a turkey!"

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Some days,........

Hi, all. How was your day? I, for one, worked too hard (thanks for the distraction, Linda) did too much despite my oath to take it easy, and probably ate too many veggies today. It could have been worse, regional Mickey's Donuts. Or White Castles. Or- I better stop, I'm getting hungry and I am not going back downstairs to make anything.

Well, I at least did a document recovery on my current tids and bits writing. I did not put anything down, but at least it's a start. Contrary to popular belief, I do want to finish one of my books, I just have been away from it for so long that it seems such a daunting prospect to take on. I know some of the tricks like an outline (which I never do) a brainstorm page, (which I always lose) and also the ever popular, just wade into it and burn out in a day or two. I've done that many a time and am sure this one is not working for me. If you have any ideas, feel free to bombard me with them.

Question : I understand flies help to decompose, but what earthly good has anyone found yet for mosquitoes!? Please tell me if you know.

Excuse #6 : I can't think for the cravings and hunger pains! My mind is a blur! Procrastination always brings on a huge appetite!


I am leaving you with a little food for thought-Taco Bell, Olive Garden,etc.... (ha-ha)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I Found it!

Okay, so the computer was in the car. Don't ask and I won't lie.

Now, did any 0f you have boys? And if so, do they always eat this much!? My goodness! Seriously, I fed them lunch and fifteen minutes later one of them turned to me and asked when were we eating lunch and the two others looked at me expectantly!

I need a refrigerator lock and a lower electric bill!

I actually considered writing today. The pain has gotten so that I can now sit upright for a couple of hours of the day (total, not in a row). I write these blogs on my stomach now when the kids aren't around of course. I would be a trampoline in a minute!

I want to add in a question of the day, if I may.

What do you hope to accomplish today? Is it work related, not eating that bedtime snack, some goal or other that has to be done in baby steps or something you think no one but you is interested in? I want to know. I do.

Today's excuse: #5 I'm in too philosophical a mood to consider the surreal. (ha ha)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Missing my weekly Church Boost

Sitting in church was just not going to happen today. If I'd have had my fifteen year old here, it might have been feasible, but alas, no. I missed having service, though. It gives me a boost that lasts throughout the week. Do any of you feel that way or am I the weird one out as usual?

We have made progress in recovery. Nik has discovered that he can put my head on his lap and he can sing to me and read me books (on my head of course). It is so sweet (unless he forgets his dittie and then you see mom able to jump up very quickly).

Anywho, I actually sat up in a chair for a while today and enjoyed the breeze outside. I couldn't do it for too long, but it's better than it was.

I am using my daughters computer since I cannot locate my little one. It is an EEpc and it is tiny and it is lost in the house somewhere (probably with all the socks).

That brings me to reason #4: I can't find my computer to type. (almost as bad a smy dog ate it)

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Well, another day gone by and three weeks left of convalescence. Geesh! I now have a constant couch buddy system. The baby on my head or on my side, the cat (Lillian) at my feet in a huddled ball to avoid being trampled on, Noah behind the couch in the window seat, and Timmy on the floor in front of me watching 'The Shakiest Gun in the West'.

Gosh, you wouldn't know that we didn't live in a one room shack with the way they 'support' me. Timmy's a really good cook, so he likes to make breakfast. Noah and Nik like to eat it. I try to get them to help clean it up. If wishes were kisses....

Today's excuse: I am feeling too 'fenced in' to let my mind roam and create! (Good one, huh?)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Egads and Hummel...

Okay, so I have to go to Norfolk tomorrow for a doctor's appointment. Geesh! Not looking forward to the ride. Eh, but it is a necessary evil. I swear they use the scales as a form of torture. Anyone who dreads getting on the scale makes sure that all kith and kin are at least five hundred feet back and in another room behind a closed door before they will ever step on a scale. At the doc's, let's not only record what the evil device says, lets face it towards the open hall so that all who may care to see may look and do a silent eye roll as the numbers make them think of rocket science!

Oh, well. It shouldn't be too bad. I am definitely getting a venti-mocha vanilla coffee with whole milk and whipped topping, though. Darn those scales!

Excuse #2: I was too mind boggled by the scale and the outing itself to write anything.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It's Hump day

Well, made it out of surgery allright. Now I just have to somehow get the kids to realize that their trampoline/maid is down for the count for a little while. My fifteen year old of all people has stepped up and really helped out a lot.

Sorry I did not write for the past few days, when you have this much pain medication in your system, you should have enough sense not to write knowing you will have no idea until you've pushed send as to wha you wrote.

Today's excuse: I'm recovering from surgery and can't sit in a chair for a few days.

Hey, that is almost close to a legitimate excuse if it weren't for the fact that I was able to write this blog, though!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


My two year old is feeding me colossal crunch cereal and, he is such a sweetheart, he is sharing each soggy little piece with me. Awww. Well, I guess it could be worse, it could be... No, half eaten pieces of soggy cereal are right up there. But they are given with such love. Now he is trying to close the computer qawoei with a;osi4h his asdjfapoij foot. (His typing, not mine) Okay, this may not be a long one today, just rambling on a bit.

He is relying on that cute blonde curly hair and chubby cheeked smile to get him out of trouble, and it's working. He knew it would, hence the knowing smile.

Well, as far as procrastination goes today, I reread the short story I sent in and found that it wasn't half bad, the other half...eeegnhh. I guess I'll be trying again next time.

I was offered a new contract for a new children's book! That was awesome, I just wanted to try a different publisher this time and things are going sloooowwwwllllyyyy.

Oh, no!! He's back wi8th the cereal! AARRGGHH!

See ya!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Today is .....

The day has come. I am (I am sad to say) as dumb as my mother was when I was fifteen. It's official.... My fifteen year old says so. I can't wait to get my intelligence back in a few years or so. I know there is nothing surprising or very interesting about this statement to the general public, but to a mom, it always seems to come as a shock. Even if you've already been through it before. But then you get to blame the older one for modeling such erratic behavior. Who thought up this divine joke for me? Two teen aged daughters at the same time and three boys under the age of ten by myself?! IF you truly can't die until you've finished all of your work, I will tell the AI bots that bring me breakfast in bed a millenia from now all about you.

God is good to us all, it just seems sometimes he trusts some of us entirely too much.