Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Well, I did start out by saying a writer writes, sometimes. Sorry I wasn't on the ball the last couple of days. I did try the one day, but after I typed everything in the battery gave out and I lost it all. This site has a wonderful auto save feature and it had apparently saved, "hello".

Today was pretty good. No, I did not send out those manuscripts yet, this was my 'manly man fix the house with very little energy' day. Put a drawer face back on, a strip on a closet door, Vaseline on the toilet flap in the tank, (don't ask!, just don't!) and little panda shoes on little Nik feet for the three thousandth time today. Obviously they are too loose and if I cannot tighten them, panda bears are going to become extinct in our house.

Speaking of bears, I learned today that Koalas are not bears, they are marsupials! Imagine that! Probably the entire world paid attention to that fact except me. I retract that statement slightly, I knew they were marsupials, I just didn't make the connection to them not being bears. Who doesn't love a cuddly koala bear, huh? Can I still say that or will that offend if they evolve and learn to read?

Reading! My son can spell beautifully! Give him a word and he will not only sound it out, he will tell you the rules as to why letters are silent and so on! He says he cannot read, though. No matter how much I encourage him and try to convince him, he doesn't understand that if he can do that, he can read. I know it will take some adjustment on his part, but for heavens sake I cannot wait for him to discover the joy there is to be had in a good book.

Question: Why do we limit what we think we can do to that which is expected of us? Why not exceed all expectations?

Excuse for the day: #10 - Mr. Clean and Mr. Fixit cannot multitask when recovering from surgery!

"Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!"

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