Sunday, October 9, 2011

Humpty Dumpty

*+*+*Good evening!*+*+*

I got a phone call from friend of mine yesterday and thought I should clarify: we were not playing all out football, people! I did not go from laying on my side to insanity! I tossed it to Noah, who tossed it to Timmy who then tossed in reverse. I didn't even have to run after it or pick it up with my little curly haired golden retriever getting it for me. He kept telling me thank you for letting him get it for me.

I love that kid!

Four years ago Timmy managed to knock out his two front teeth and now, he has somehow managed to lose half of one of his upper teeth and we find out tomorrow if it was adult or baby. I asked him if it hurt and he said it did somewhat. When I asked for the phone and the phone book to call the dentist, he suddenly felt the pain subside and healing began. I'll see how much it will cost to just go on and have them all pulled and put in dentures!

I was not aware machismo started this early. Timmy will not and has never shown fear or any sign of weakness that he can tell. Noah is still young. He will tell me in a heartbeat that something creeped him out or scared him. I love that age. Nik is too brave to be scared, I think. Our dog tried to take his toy to chew on the other day and he conked him on the muzzle and said, "No, mine!" and the dog walked off with his tail between his legs. It was hilarious watching this two year old be in command of this huge dog!

I wrote nothing, not even my to do list today. I barely stayed awake today.

Question: What is the dumbest thing you ever did that made you a smarter person today?

Excuse #9 : I took the day off, who am I to argue with what God has put in place.

"Una vida vivida en el miedo es una media vida vivida!"


Outlaw said...

This is a test. It is only a test. It is a test of the comment section on the Writer Writes... blog. If it works, I will attempt a real comment.

Outlaw said...

I'm sure that there is a very good explanation for why my name appears as Outlaw on some comments; lazy2totoo (or something like that) and another name I can't remember. But the explanation must be lost in the maze known as internet accounts ( the Twilight Zone). This Outlaw loves your blog; I am lazy two; and not remembering is just par for the course.

Tanya Larsen said...

I apologize for not writing. Please continue to read once again!

Tanya Larsen said...

I apologize for not writing for so long! Please continue to read once again. Thank you!