Saturday, July 10, 2010

Lazy! Lazy! Lazy!!!

I am now stooping to new forms of procrastinating. But, with your help, I want to change that. Okay, here's the plan: I edit or write a thousand words a day, I blog. I don't edit or write, I still blog but profess my failure to you. Please be kind!

I was told by my husband that I could do this. I already have a children's book published (There's a Gorilla in the Library), but the one he believed in is actually a sorta sci-fi-sorta not book. I have to finish it. He died one year ago next month and that was our promise. Whoever went first, finished it.

I need some support, guys!!


McVal said...

Looking forward to reading it!

Mary Connealy said...

I found you. I like the look. Good luck. :D