Thursday, September 3, 2020

Finding My Place, Again!: How Honorable is it?

Finding My Place, Again!: How Honorable is it?:  Honorable mention for the 24 Hr contest.  Ugh.  Times like this I want to just stop and probably would if it weren't for the fact that ...

How Honorable is it?

 Honorable mention for the 24 Hr contest.  Ugh.  Times like this I want to just stop and probably would if it weren't for the fact that writing is too much a part of my life to stop.  I have ideas going through my head at a phenomenal rate, yet, so little writing time...

I wonder, sometimes, if it (writing for a living) will ever be part of my life.  I crave it, yet, feel like I am so far below par in my capabilities that it seems a pipe dream.  

Beautiful weather today.  I chose reading today which I like to view as practicing, haahaa.  Of all things, I am rereading The BOOB Girls which is a Nebraska based series that is hilarious, if you ever have the time.

I have decided to ake a break from the short story format for a bit as I am always having to shorten so much out of it that what I end up with is far beneath the quality I prefer to output.  Translation: it chops out all the good parts and I just can't seem to shorten it and keep the quality there.  I found one I like better which is a writing prompt site that allows you a week and a choice of five prompts and larger word counts.  I am really enjoying at and one more aspect is that writers can comment on other writer's works.  It's really keen, haahaa.

So....Question of the day?  Despite the beautiful weatehr, what are you reading right now?  Please comment below and let me know.  I'd love to hear it.

Quote of the day:  "Happine3ss comes in waves.  It'll find you again." - Unknown

Image result for evening sky with moon

Havve an amazing and blessed day!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Finding My Place, Again!: Woohoo!

Finding My Place, Again!: Woohoo!Question of the day:  What are some of your favorite, unique men's and women's names? 


Hi, all!  I know I have mentioned the 24 Hour story contest before, but I got to do it again and I just wanna say shout out to Writer's Weekly.  Awesome group of people.

Not only did I do the contest, I did it while on my anniversary trip.  I did most of it in my head and had it worked out (not hard, the allowance is only 900 words) and waited til morning while hubby was still snoozing (I wake up early no matter what) and finished it up and sent it in.  Not the best, but I didn't procrastinate.  I did it! 

Thanks to the Reedsy site, I am starting to build confidence again in a craft I thought would get lost in the shuffle. 

Live your life full of promise and hope, and you will never be held down with regret.

Feel free to leave a comment and possibly give me a few of your favorite men's and women's names to give me some ideas.  I love unusual and unique names and would love to hear them!

I am harvesting for ideas and such because I am getting there.  It is a daunting task to say the least, it has been almost ten years in the making.  Rewrites, plot flips and twists, new ideas and changes in chronological order, life, feeling a sense of being overwhelmed, etc... can make launching a new beginning seem so out of reach that you feel why bother. I was once told by an amazing person, you could either be in the same position 5 years from now, or, you could be closer to where you want to be by putting in the effort and work to achieve it.  I am choosing the latter.

Quote of the day:  "Demons run when a good man goes to war
Night will fall and drown the sun
When a good man goes to war"- Steven Moffat

Question of the day:  What are some of your favorite, unique men's and women's names? 

Click like and follow and join me again, real soon!
Dr. Who Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Instant Download Dr. Who | Etsy

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Writing Prompts

Here is where the online story contest entries I write are to be found.  There are a few different sources so be found on different sites bur, here are these.

Finding My Place, Again!: It's a Beautiful Day!

Finding My Place, Again!: It's a Beautiful Day!: Good morning, all! It's a beautiful day!  The birds are singing, the wind is bowing gently, the temperature is amazing and all the tee...

It's a Beautiful Day!

Good morning, all!

It's a beautiful day!  The birds are singing, the wind is bowing gently, the temperature is amazing and all the teens and hubby are snoring!  Writing time!!!

Okay.  Today I thought I would tackle a bit more of the novel I have been working on, but, sadly, I would have to wake someone up to get the files.  SO not worth it.

Instead, I was hoping to do some simple poetry or something short and sweet that I can do just to get the mental exercise in.  I enjoy just writing on a whim, again.  It doesn't get to happen often. 

The youngest is out climbing a tree or cutting the bark off of a branch somewhere and blissfully happy.  We planted snapdragons this morning before he took off.

So, question of the day:  What was your favorite memory outdoors as a kid?   Click follow on my blog site and then let me know in the comments below.  Would love to have you with me on this journey!

Quote of the day:  "The Earth has music for those who listen."  - William Shakespeare
Amazin' Earth Pics on Twitter: "Misty morning by Edward Marcinek ...
God be with you, all!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Finding My Place, Again!: Chaos Can Be So Chaotic

Finding My Place, Again!: Chaos Can Be So Chaotic: Good Morning, all!  It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the writing is picking up and I am actually writing this in my jim-jams.  ...

Chaos Can Be So Chaotic

Good Morning, all!  It's a beautiful day, the sun is shining, the writing is picking up and I am actually writing this in my jim-jams.  It's a good day, lol.

So, I have spent the morning trying to get new widgets on this blog with no real success.  I will not be defeated!   

I have found the most interesting site called, 'Reedsy Writing Prompts' that gives you several prompts to choose from each week that you can turn into stories and enter a writing contest on their site for a chance to win some money.  I am so glad I came upon it!  I get to randomize my imagination and also practice writing on a weekly basis which is, by far, much more than has been the case, honestly.

As for my larger tome, I am starting to re familiarize myself with the outline and the characters.  It's time.  The boys, while a constant distraction and a great source of excuses, take just a bit less direct guiding from me now.  We have moved onto an acreage which has helped immensely as I can't get them out of trees or their lab or wherever they might be!

The tranquility is back.  I missed being in such quiet, hearing the birds, being able to garden, etc..  While I garden is when I think the most and do a lot of the writing and formation of things in my head.  I love it.

I was thinking today about how much goes into the writing process and how daunting it has to be for established authors to produce works of art repeatedly and not feel overwhelmed from the thought of having to outdo the previous one and maintain interest in their craft.

If I only had those troubles!

Today's question of the day:  What would you main characters name be and what genre would you write in?
Cujo (1982-08 edition) | Open Library
Not my image.  Pulled from common search domain.

Quote of the day: " "He had always tried to be a good dog. He had been struck by something … free will was not a factor."  -Cujo

Hope you have an amazing day!