Sunday, August 31, 2014

2 rejections...4 to go

Well, heard from two of the publishers.  "Not what we are looking for", "Maybe at a later date", etc...  Oh, well.  I won't get depressed until the last one comes in.  Hope springs eternal.  ( I will try to convince myself of this).

How in the world am I supposed to concentrate and write when I am nervous like this?!?!

TOTALLY unrelated-  Have any of you ever gone on a dating website?  I was just rejected by kermit the frogs shorter, grey cousin.  REALLY!?!?!  He said he was never married on his profile (referred to his wife the entire evening), 5'4" (he might have been 5 foot with the shoes) and kept pointing to the seat next to him as his ex girlfriend while regaling me with stories of how much contact he still has with her dad.  Oh, and the reason the marriage didn't work?  After six months she decided that she  was going to tell him he had to help around the house more and help take care of her two kids.  Hmm... did he really just say that to a woman with five kids?  Really?  Ugh.  At least if he was a decent frog I could have kissed him and found a prince.  Just sayin'.

So my question of the day- Have you had any luck on internet dating sites and if so, which ones?

Quote of the day- "But I never saw the good side of the city, 'Til I hitched a ride on a river boat queen." -Creedence Clearwater Revival (Proud Mary)

One final thought, if the entire Earth were painted black, would aliens still be able to know it is there?

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